About Our Parish
Saint Barbara was founded in 1926 by struggling immigrants, this magnificent structure once a synagogue, has provided and continues to provide the greatest comfort of our beloved Martyr Saint Barbara.
As the patron Saint of firefighters and the artillery, Saint Barbara was a haven to those who fought during World War II. The Church at that time was a thriving community with newly arriving families from Greece finding religious solace at her door.
The Greek immigrants making their way in a new society, began moving out of lower Manhattan, thereby creating a better life for their families. Their love and beliefs are memorialized in Saint Barbara's church.
Saint Barbara's church continues to be a haven for all those in need of spiritual uplifting and comfort. The community is now very small, its members coming mostly from outside the immediate area to pray and worship.
Saint Barbara, a humble parish, is maintained by second, third and fourth generation children of the original immigrants. Alone, these community members cannot sustain the Church. It is through the generosity of all Orthodox Christians nationwide that her doors remain open.
Online Chapel

Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople; Kastinos, Archbishop of Constantinople
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